What We Believe

Mission Statement

To bring people to Christ and membership in this church, by providing ministries that foster Christian discipleship and improve service to the community and the world.

Vision Statement

To bring glory to God and hope to the world, by equipping and empowering our members for excellence in Christian Ministry.

Core Values

We believe that the Word of God (The Bible) must be at the center of our preaching and teaching ministry. As living Word, the Bible is the means by which lives are transformed and the means by which we grow to full Christian maturity. The Bible is the best source regarding what God wants the church to be and become. 

We believe that the ministry of the church must be culturally relevant and ethnically sensitive to the needs of those to whom it ministers. The church is open to all people everywhere, yet it ministers within a specific geographic, social, cultural, and ethnic context. 

We believe that the church must have leaders who are well trained, spiritually sensitive, and biblically qualified and grounded. Also we believe that leaders must be open to the leadership authority of the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, the Pastor, and other spiritual leaders as ordained by God’s Word and the congregation.

We believe that the church is called to be on a mission for Jesus Christ. This as members of the body of Christ, we are committed to spreading the Gospel as far as we can with the resources available to us. Evangelism and discipleship are at the heart of the church’s existence.

We believe that the local congregation is the “body of Christ.” As such, it has many members and each of those members are to be equipped for ministry, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and sent to exercise their gift in the work of the ministry. Within the body of Christ, each member is important and adds value and life to the congregation. Therefore, healthy relationships are important in the life of our church. 

We believe that children and youth are important to the life of the church and that we must be dedicated to helping them to grow in grace.

Sunday Service: 11:45 AM • Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 PM

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